Stephen in Thailand!

Stephen in Thailand!

Right after we graduated from SBS, I jumped on a plane and headed to Thailand for two weeks to sell our furniture & appliances and pack up our remaining possessions. 

It was an immensely difficult task to say goodbye to our Mok and Thai friends but also a great opportunity to reflect on all that God has done in that little community. My brother Andrew was able to meet me in Thailand, and it was so much fun to show him around the village, our old home town, and to visit with other YWAM friends throughout the country. It was also incredibly helpful to have him with me for support as I went through this emotional goodbye. Thailand will always feel like home to a degree and I can’t wait until we get to call it home again!

Flying back over Bangkok. I love this place :)

LOVED getting to see this guy again. Before SBS I taught him one-on-one and loved seeing him grow!

In Bangkok with my brother

Crossing the border into Myanmar!

We know we will be back in Southeast Asia after this time in Montana but don’t know exactly when or what that might look like.  There are a lot of opportunities and it hard to say goodbye for a time, but we are confident that God is leading us to Montana for this next chapter of our lives. 


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