Adoption, Family, Life / 18.11.2019

Adoption is not, and never has been, our “plan B.”   We always knew adoption would be part of our story before we got married (or even engaged).  At our wedding, a friend gave us a book with a bunch of fun lists to make for dreaming about the future. There was a page titled “List the Things You Want to Do in Life,” and on our honeymoon, we started filling it out. Number 1 on this list?  “Adopt.”  We planned to have one or two biological children before adopting. This...

Adoption, Family, Life / 05.10.2019

This is a decision that has been a long time coming and not one that has been made lightly. After feeling prompted by the Lord, we made the decision last spring that now is the time for us to start the adoption process.  Although we made the decision a while ago, we now want to share the story about how we got here! So I am going to write a series of blog posts about the journey we have been on with adoption. It is still in...

SBS, Southeast Asia, Thailand, Training / 04.10.2019

“Let’s all go to Thailand!” was my initial pitch to our SBS team of 23. I (Stephen) wrote up a proposal weighing the costs and benefits to our program and pitched it during one of our planning times back in March. We had been talking about Missions a lot but when you work with a 9 month Bible School the opportunities to go and do outreach can feel limited. God was stirring up a desire in us to not just equip our students but to go ourselves! This trip...