She Felt God’s Heart

She Felt God’s Heart

Two weeks ago, Stephen’s mom and dad came to visit us here in Thailand!  My beautiful mother-in-law, Krystal, was able to come on bar outreach with Julie, Aum and myself.  I was so glad she could experience this ministry and this part of my life here in Thailand.  This is what I am most passionate about here, but it is often quite difficult to describe the situation of the women and the desperate need for the Kingdom of light to come to the bars.  I asked Krystal if she wanted to come along and pray and she said, “Of course!”

We met Julie and Aum, prayed together, then went into one of the bars where we know some of the girls and sat and talked with them for a couple hours.  There were intervals of waiting on them and conversing with them as they went to get ready, came back to visit with us, went with customers, came back, and so on.  One girl showed us pictures of her sweet children and two of the girls were telling us how beautiful Krystal was.

After talking with the girls at the bar, we gathered with Julie and Aum and before we prayed, Julie asked Krystal how she was feeling.  Krystal burst into tears and said, “My heart is broken.”  She started to say something else, but began to pray instead.  Her response to what she experienced was to pray and plead to the Father on behalf of the women.  I thought to myself, “She felt it!”  She felt what Julie, Aum and I feel every week.  She felt that fraction of what God feels every second. She felt that longing to see each of the women receive the salvation, healing, peace, and wholeness that only Jesus can give.

Please continue to pray for this ministry and the women we visit every week.  We are seeing the Holy Spirit at work every week.  This week I was able to share the Gospel (in very simple Thai) with a girl who just started working there two weeks ago.  We also shared about Jesus with an elderly woman who works in a restaurant in the same neighborhood because her close relatives became Christians and she was curious about it.  She was rubbing her knees in pain as Julie shared how Jesus loves her.  As she walked away, Julie encouraged her to pray and ask God to heal her. This same woman happens to be the sister of one of the bar owners who does not allow us to come talk to the women who work at his bar.  I know it was a divine appointment as she literally just walked up to where we were standing (about to leave) and started talking with us.

Praise God for hearts becoming more open and receptive to hear the Gospel.  Pray their desire for Him would increase as they hear about Him and His love every week.  Pray this woman with the hurting knees would be healed and God would receive all the glory.  Pray for walls and strongholds to be torn down and broken in this neighborhood.  Pray Jesus would receive His inheritance.

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