Family, Life, Thailand / 06.12.2015

It has been so long since we last updated everyone! We had a fantastic time in the States celebrating two weddings, teaching at church,  joining in on family vacations, catching up with good friends, and simply enjoying family dinners once again. [caption id="attachment_992" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Michael & Katie were married at the end of October and JP & Stephanie got engaged at the beginning of November![/caption] [caption id="attachment_994" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Bowling night with the growing Scarbrough family! We will be welcoming a second niece in January and celebrating Andrew &...

Family, Thailand / 11.08.2015

We are so excited to tell you all that Naam Pueng is doing great! The surgery was a success and she will have full motion in her arm! Thank you so much for all those that gave towards her surgery. After one of her check ups her parents invited us all over to their house for dinner to thank us. Her mom told us that she couldn't sleep many nights thinking, "How will we ever repay [our team] for helping pay for the surgery?" She told us that...

Thailand / 27.05.2015

Hi family and friends, We have a pretty unique situation that we would like to ask you all to pray about. About a month ago one of our girls from Kids Club, little 9 year old Naam Peung, fell off a ledge and broke her arm. When it happened they had a spirit doctor come and try to set it and they wrapped it in weird things they believed would heal it. When we saw her we prayed for her and told the family they should go to...