Thailand / 20.05.2014

We've officially been in Thailand for a week now! On the one hand it seems like we've been here forever, but on the other it feels like we just got here. The last few months in the States were a whirlwind and it is still hard to believe at times that we are actually in Thailand! We are currently staying with our friends Brandon and Aum as we continue to set up our new house (which is a 4 minute walk away). We have had a great introduction to Mae Sai...

Life, Thailand / 04.01.2014

Our very first Christmas together was so much fun! We spread Christmas over 3 days starting on Christmas Eve with Angela's mom, Christmas morning with my parents, and then Christmas evening and the next day near Nashville with Angela's dad and family. I have known we are moving to Thailand for awhile, but I haven't felt it until Christmas Day. We were playing games with my family when I realized we were late to skype JP (Angela's brother and my best friend) and then drive to Angela's dad's. So...

Life / 21.11.2013

It is a crazy time in our lives. We thought, "If we can just get through the wedding phase, then our lives will slow down and we can breathe." As we got ready to go to sleep last night we both talked about how exhausted we were and then how early it was! We're getting old! ; ) Between our relationship with each other (and adjusting to married life), our jobs, church, family and friends, and also planning for our big move to Thailand (and the support raising that...