Back in the Land of Smiles

Back in the Land of Smiles

It has been so long since we last updated everyone! We had a fantastic time in the States celebrating two weddings, teaching at church,  joining in on family vacations, catching up with good friends, and simply enjoying family dinners once again.


Michael & Katie were married at the end of October and JP & Stephanie got engaged at the beginning of November!


Bowling night with the growing Scarbrough family! We will be welcoming a second niece in January and celebrating Andrew & Katie’s wedding next fall!

We arrived back in Thailand at the beginning of November and hit the ground running. I (Stephen) spent a week in Bangkok for a leadership training seminar with YWAMers from all over Southeast Asia while Angela settled back into life here in Mae Sai.

Playing soccer with 8 nationalities represented at the Leadership Training

Playing soccer with 8 nationalities represented at the Leadership Training

As soon as the other leaders and I returned to Mae Sai we began Team Training. Our whole YWAM Borders team had never all been in the same place before, because we gained two new staff members while Angela and I were in the States! We did team building exercises, rock climbed and ran a mud obstacle race! We then went on our annual Staff Retreat (this year up into the mountains). We also had two friends from the States come and spend a week with us! It is so much fun to show others a glimpse into life in Thailand and all that God is doing here. (Our house is always open! Come and visit!)


Angela rock climbing


Team time of prayer and worship


One Saturday was full of team building excersices

Something I really was praying about and felt impressed upon by the Lord was the importance of building and growing community with our team. The past month has been full of the Lord leading us deeper into community with one another. I am so grateful for Beer and Karen joining YWAM Borders and the dynamic they bring. We are all running the race of life and I am so thankful to be able to run alongside some amazing men and women. God truly is answering our prayers for a closer community that is learning what it means to be sons and daughters together.

Looking Forward

We are still praying about the specifics for the training schools that we will have in January, but are excited about a time of learning and growing. The remainder of December will be filled with preparation for those schools and Christmas celebrations with our YWAM family and we are hoping to throw a big family celebration for the Loy. Please continue to pray for wisdom and guidance for the coming training in January as well as continued ministry among our Loy friends. :)

1 Comment
  • John and Kathy Hayes
    Posted at 08:52h, 07 December

    Thanks for the great report! Glad you were able to have a refreshing time in the States. We love you guys and pray for you. We are now in Florida near Ft. Lauderdale working as a Missions Pastor. Our financial support has fallen considerably so we will work part time here in a large local church and continue doing short-term missions trips to Brazil. We hope to keep the Arrowhead Project going and we will keep trying to raise funds for that project and for our trips. Thanks for praying for us too! Love in Christ,
    John and Kathy Hayes