First Loy Believers!

First Loy Believers!

The month of February has been busy and exciting as God is moving and surprising us in wonderful ways! He has been teaching us in our Discipleship Training School (DTS) through many speakers and topics that have been so stretching and beneficial in our walk with Christ. The Lord has also been moving mightily among the Loy people and this is what I am most excited about!

A few weeks ago in prayer, the Lord showed me a picture of one of the Loy girls, who is about 14. She was looking at me and she said, “Nuu my dye ruu (I didn’t know).” I immediately knew what it was that she “didn’t know” – she didn’t know she could have a relationship with Jesus, she didn’t know how.

It hit my heart so heavily. I have known this girl for over a year now. I have talked to her about God’s perfect love for her and how Jesus loves her so much and died for her, but she has never been given an opportunity to respond to these seeds of truth that have been sown in her life. During this prayer time, I felt like the Lord was saying, “it’s time to tell her how.”

On Tuesday of the following week, before going to visit the Loy families, someone felt in prayer that three people in one of the neighborhoods would receive Jesus. So we went with expectation that God would show us the doors of conversation to go through to share His Good News.

I went with another DTS student, Ploy, to the neighborhood and we saw the same girl on our way in. We invited her to come hang out with us at the neighborhood community area. Ploy, the girl, two other Loy youth, and I were all sitting together when I asked the girl about Kids Club the Saturday before. We watched a movie about the Story of David and she said her favorite part was when Samuel anointed David’s head with oil because it made her think of God’s love.

We asked her if she would like to know God’s love like that and she said, “Yes.” We shared with her God’s beautiful story of redemption and how God wants a relationship with her through Jesus. We shared how we are able to have that relationship with Him even though we are humans who make mistakes and sin – we reminded her of a verse she has memorized in Kid’s Club (Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life, no one can come to the Father except through Me). By believing in Jesus, she can have that relationship with God and she can have His peace in the midst of troubles in this world.

The whole time, she was so attentive and smiling ear to ear. After sharing the Gospel, we asked her again if she would like to have this relationship with God through Jesus. She smiled and said, “Yes!” I prayed with her to receive Christ. After we prayed, I grabbed her hands and told her, “This is the most special day of your whole life!” Then Ploy added, “It’s your first day as a daughter of God!” Her joy was evident through the smile that covered her whole face!


The first Loy believer. God is so faithful.


The next night I went back to give her a Bible and began teaching a Bible summary (God’s story from Genesis to Revelation in 24 pictures) to a group of four girls to whom I usually teach Thai reading and writing. They are between the ages of 10 and 16. I shared the first 12 pictures on Wednesday and the last 12 on Saturday evening.

Even though I read with shake-y Thai, the girls were understanding the story and were so attentive (two girls in particular).  After the whole story of the Bible was laid out on the ground in front of them, they were able to see how God has wanted relationship with us from the beginning of creation. And even though we have been unfaithful to Him time after time, He has remained faithful to us throughout history and He still wants relationship with us through Jesus.  I reminded them of that same verse they memorized in our kids program – John 14:6 – “Jesus is the way, the truth and the life…”  They remembered and continued listening intently. As soon as I asked if they wanted this relationship with God through Jesus, they all said, “Yes!”  So I led them in prayer to believe in and follow Jesus with their lives – such a beautiful God-moment!


Five Loy believers. God is so good.


The following Tuesday, we went to visit the two villages again and two other DTS students led two more girls (ages 13-14) to the Lord – one Loy girl and one Shan girl!

Seven new believers. Thank you, Jesus! He is faithful and good to draw these little ones to Himself through His beautiful story of redemption and restoration of His creation – including restoring the relationship with Him that was once lost. He is so beautiful and captivating.


Thank you for your prayers for the Loy people – we are beginning to see fruit! Please continue to pray for these new believers and their growth in the Lord. Pray for wisdom for our team as well in how to disciple them as the Holy Spirit leads us. Also pray that whole families would soon come to salvation as well – we want to see salvation, healing, freedom, and wholeness for parents, grandparents and siblings too!

Praise God for His goodness. He is so worthy to receive all the glory!


In Christ,


  • Kristin Storment
    Posted at 09:36h, 19 February


  • Carl Scarbrough
    Posted at 15:56h, 19 February

    so exciting to see what the Lord is doing through your ministry there and how your faithfulness to Him has now helped plant the seed for these 7 new believers. God is Good!

  • Paula Hammond
    Posted at 19:05h, 19 February

    Yea! So thankful for them and for you, sharing truth with them!