Wedding / 05.11.2013

We're married!! I absolutely cannot believe that the hectic engagement chapter of our lives is over! Hallelujah! : ) In a few days we will have been married for two months! It seems crazy how quickly time has flown. (It is hard for me to not end every sentence of this post in an exclamation point so be proud of that last one) Our wedding was absolutely perfect. It was the perfect day. I can't begin to describe the huge gratitude we owe to our parents for all you did!...

Wedding / 09.04.2013

Sunday, March 17th was Stephen and my 8-month anniversary. The day before he suggested we go on a sunrise date since we didn’t really celebrate the previous month and that day would be crazy with his brother-in-law’s birthday lunch and St. Patty’s celebrations later in the day.  He said he’d pick me up at 6:20 and text at 6:00 to make sure I was awake. So at promptly 5:46, he sent me a “Good morning! Are you awake?” text.  At 6:20, I went outside into the still dark...